Solar Eclipse Box Projector #SolarEclipse2017

By the time I realized that North America would see a Solar Eclipse on August 21, it was too late to order glasses to allow us to view the sun safely. I remembered a project from when I was a child, that used a box, white paper, tape, and foil to make a sun projector. Here are a few photos of the project we made at home. I'm sure it would have been exciting to where special dark glasses and what the event directly, but this activity gave us a chance to exercise our creativity. We tested it out today and we're able to see the suns image projected in our box, so are hoping for a clear sky to capture the solar eclipse tomorrow afternoon. It is expected to start at approximately 1:00 pm EST and last a few hours. Our region may experience a 75% Eclipse when the moon passes between the earth and sun.

I gathered a box, tape, scissors, pins, foil, and white paper. The box
was about 14 inches deep by 18 long. Big enough to put
My head in and have the paper a good distance from my eyes.
Both the top and bottom of the box was taped shut to make it dark inside.
Then I cut the bottom left and right panels in half.

Flip the box. With the cut side facing you, cut a 3 inch
square hole near the top of the short end.
Tape a sheet of white paper inside (on the end
that is on opposite side of the small hole).

Cut a square of foil to cover the square hole,
and tape the edges down flat. Use a pin
to poke one small hole in the middle of the foil.
When you want to examine the sun: use the large opening as a window,
stand with your back to the sun,
and look at the sun's projected image on the white paper.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored nor endorsed by any brands or agencies mentioned within. My stats and information were found on the NASA website. The safest way to see the Eclipse will be through the live stream events or with ISO-approved lenses. Please use any home made devices with caution, as permanent eye damage can occur even though the sun may appear dimmer. We may be tempted to look at the rare solar eclipse, but it is not safe to look directly at the sun without proper protective lenses.


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