Help #Bringbackthebees

I was not asked to post this, nor am I affiliated with General Mills. Over March Break my daughter saw a cereal commercial about the "bee flowers" and she asked me to go online and investigate. I quickly found the campaign she was asking about and ordered our wildflower seeds from General Mills' #Bringbackthebees campaign that is sponsored by Veseys Seeds. Did you know the bee population is suffering? Without bees, some of our favourite things won't grow, like "apples, almonds, and coffee". 
With the first day of Spring around the corner and Earth Day approaching, this is a great time to chat with our children about protecting nature. Planting a simple flower garden is a great family activity to promote love of gardening and watching plants grow from seeds. There are easy tips on the best way to plant and care for your seeds when they arrive. We haven't always lived in a house with a garden. Seeds can be planted in pots too and placed outside in a sunny place.  Of course, this activity may also help bring back the bees.

Marla Spivak gave a good discussion about why bees are important and why they may be disappearing.

Video from

Fly over and order your seeds today at


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