How Do You Wrap A Goat? Global Minded Gift Ideas.

How do you wrap a goat?
Every year we discuss the issue of Christmas presents. Who do we buy for, what should we buy, and do they really need anything?  We talk to our many friends and family early in the Season and agree that we are not going to exchange gifts. Inevitably, I always run out to the crowded stores and throw together gift bags "just in case". This year has been lean and mean for us financially.  I have stuck to my black out on gift exchanges. Hubs and I spent $20 on each other, less than $100 on our daughter and made donations to our local food bank instead.  I'm not stressing myself with the question: "What do you buy people that have EVERYTHING?". Instead I went searching for items that could be bought or donated in memory or honour of a loved one, and in turn help out people that have very little.

Give The Gift Of Food and Safe Water:

World Vision Canada
You may know them from the sponsor child ads on TV, but they also have a gift catalogue.  Two hens and a rooster cost $50.

World Food Program
Fighting the mammoth hunger crisis globally and empowering women is no simple task.  Donate $5 to provide a safe stove for a family in Sri Lanka.

Samaritan's Purse
If you missed the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox campaign in October and November, Samaritans Purse operates year long and provides support in many different ways. Their clean water for El Salvador campaign caught my attention.

Now to answer the lead question- How do you wrap a goat?...very carefully.

Disclosure: This post is not sponsored or endorsed by the charities mentioned within.

Image credit:author unkown


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