Tis the Season For Snots & Sniffles, Fa La La La La, La La La La. #HealthyFamilies

I truly believe that hand washing is one of the single most ways to help prevent the spread of all things evil, aka stomach upsets and colds. You know, all the fun things your kids like to bring home, incubate, and save their symptoms for after midnight when everything is closed or inconvenient to access.
With all the Holiday festivities about to occur, it's easy to pick up a stomach bug or shake hands with the flu. I'm sure my daughter caught her cold after a recent trip to a germ ridden ball pit while we were Christmas shopping last week.  I keep a family medicine kit on hand all year long.  Here is a list of the items I stock up on:

  1. Pain/fever reliever- Have adult and infant/child formulas to help tackle those fever spikes that like to surprise us.
  2. Refills of prescribed medicines for chronic conditions. My hubby and daughter both have asthma. We keep spares of their inhaler meds on hand at all times.
  3. Stomach ailment medicine- I choose easy swallow ones for indigestion, especially for all the party food indulgences. And another for stomach bug relief (one that treats nausea).
  4. A good thermometer- I have one that can be used against my daughters forehead or armpit.  It takes a little longer than the newer ear-read thermometers, but works well with little discomfort.  Have you ever tried to stick something into a screaming infants ear? No one leaves the experience happy.
  5. Cold relief medicines-  My daughter is still too young for these, but we like to keep the hot drink variety in stock for adult cold woes. I'm glad for this tonight, as I've been battling a sore throat for a couple of days.

I wonder, what do you keep in your medicine cupboard?

“Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.” This post was not intended to replace professional medical advice.


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