Operation Christmas Child 2012- How Much Joy Can Be Packed Into A Shoe Box?

Every year I write a post about Samaritan's Purse and the Operation Christmas Child initiative.  Time has quickly passed and it's National Collection Week 2012 for the churches and schools hosting as collection sites.  It's not too late to pack a box or two and hand it in to your local drop-off place.  Churches and community centers have been handing out special boxes since September and October, but any shoe box will do. Even the plastic shoe boxes from the dollar store. I will be hitting the stores this week to put the final touches on our own boxes. If you aren't able to pack a box there are other ways to give to this special organization. Visit Samaritan's Purse.org to find a shoe box drop-off location, to donate, or view the Gift Catalogue for 2012.

 Great tips on packing a box on a budget!


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