January Edition Luxebox via @Loose_Button ~ Love is In the Air!

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words and I have to agree. It won't stop this blogger from blabbing about my recent ooo-ing and ahh-ing over LUXEBOX.  In December I entered a giveaway via AMotherhood Experience aka, Alyssa @motherhoodblog.  My comment was chosen as winner of this fabulous prize sponsored by Loose Button.  I really didn't know what to expect but they certainly know how to make a girl feel special.  Today I received my gift.  There were two boxes full of goodies, samples, and coupons - it felt as though they were hand-picked just for me. What was inside?
My personalized sticker adds a special touch. 

Good things do come in small packages...
Yves Rocher "Rouge Dragee Lipstick" Full Size ($5 value)
NYX Eyeshadow "Toffee Shimmer" Full Size ($5 value)
CHLOE "Eau de Parfume Sample" (Full size $90 value)
CHI "Silk Fusion Hair Treatment Sample" (Full Size $33 value)
"Seattle's Best Coffee" 2 oz Sample (Full Size $9.99 value) plus a $1 coupon to buy some coffee too.

Box #2 featured items for bath and body - one Schick Hydro razor, Fekkai Shampoo & Conditioner Sample, and a bonus coupon for 8,000 Shopper's Optimum Points.

My initial reaction to the contents:
  • I would never pay $90 for luxury perfume, so having a tiny bottle to sample is a treat.  
  • I don't wear lipstick so will probably re-gift it my my sister-in-law. 
  • All the samples are perfect for travelling.  
  • I'm too cheap to buy luxury razors so my skin will be grateful for the Schick Hydro.
  • Hair products are never too exciting for me because my hair is terrible on a daily basis, I've come to terms with it.
  • I liked the product information cards. Some of the brands were new to me so it was nice to read a little more about the product and it's use.
  • The only thing that could possibly have made me more excited about the LUXE BOX is to maybe include a foot massage and an assortment of dark chocolates.

It's too early to tell what my favourite product will be.  I can tell you that Loose Button has won this skeptical lady over.  I had surfed around their website when I saw a few of their sponsored giveaways over the Christmas Holidays.  I tend not to jump on bandwagons- more like run screaming in the opposite direction.  After receiving my LUXE BOX I wish I had my own subscription so I could look forward to this every month.

Visit My Wee View for a chance to win your own LUXE BOX by Loose Button. {The giveaway closes in 4 days February 3, 2012}.

*LUXE BOX is available on a paid subscription- You can receive luxury products and samples monthly delivered to your door.

**This was not a sponsored post and is not endorsed by any of the brands mentioned within.


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